
Jumat, 15 November 2019

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Simple Past Tense menyatakan suatu aktifitas atau situasi yang mulai dan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Penanda waktu spesifik yang  sering digunakan dalam bentuk simple past tense adalah  yesterday, last (last week), ago ( a week ago), in (in 1980), at (at 7:00), from (from 1975 to 1998), atau when (when I was young). 

Dalam sebuah kalimat, kadang kita menemukan bentuk simple past tense yang dipadukan dengan bentuk tense yang lain, salah satunya adalah bentu past perfect tense. Past Perfect Tense menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang sudah selesai dikerjakan sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi. Dalam penggunaan kalimat, past perfect tense diikuti oleh kejadian lain, misalnya
  • When I reached the station, the train had left.
  • We went climbing to Mount Prau after we had taken an exam.
  • As soon as they had finished working, they ran out to play.
  • Before the police came, the thief had escaped.

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan untuk menghubungkan simple past tense dan past perfect tense adalah,
  • after = sesudah
  • as soon as = segera setelah
  • until/ till = hingga
  • before = sebelum
  • when = ketika

Dalam beberapa kasus tertentu, bila urutan peristiwa sudah jelas, tanpa menggunakan perbedaan  tenses baik simple past tense maupun past perfect tense, untuk menatakan peristiwa tersebut dapat menggunakan bentuk simple past tense dan simple past tense dengan menggunakan penghubung before. 
  • Shanti closed the window before she got into bed. (sudah jelas bahwa Shanti menutup jendela terlebih dahulu sebelum pergi tidur)
  • The bus started just before I reached the bus stop.
Latihan Soal

1. When I arrived at the train station, The train ... .
had already gone

2. He ... a journalist before he ... a politician.
was - had become
had been - became

3. The teacher ... a quiz when I ... to class.
gave - had got
had given - got

4. The class ... by the time I ... there.
had already begun - got
began - had already got

5. We arrived at the cinema late. The film ... .
had already begun

6. I invited Mira to have dinner last night but she couldn't come. She ... to do something else.
had arranged

7. Juna no longer had his car. He ... it.
had sold

8. Most of my friends were no longer here. They ... .
had left

9. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ... to bed.
had gone

10. My roommates ... dinner by the time I ... home.
finished - had got
had finished - got

11. The thief simply ... in. Someone ... to lock the door.
had walked - forgot
walked - had forgotten

12. I ... a little better after I ... the medicine.
had felt - took
felt - had taken"

13. The scientists ... the village when they ... enough data.
had left - collected
left - had collected

14. It was raining hard, but by the time class ... over,the rain ... .
had been - stopped
was - had stopped

15. When I got home, I found that someone ... into my flat and ... my laptop.
broke - stole
had broken - had stolen
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