
Jumat, 15 November 2019

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Pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional tahun pelajaran 2019/ 2020 sudah ada di depan mata dengan sudah dimulainya simulasi- simulasi pra- UN sekarang ini. Inilah saatnya adik- adik mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Ujian Nasional saat ini bukanlah penentu kelulusan (- kebijakan yang masih dikaji), namun ujian nasional masih menjadi tolak ukur atau persyaratan nilai ke jenjang berikutnya. 

Melengkapi latihan-latihan yang diperuntukkan menghadapi Ujian Nasional, berikut ini saya sediakan soal latihan khususnya mapel bahasa Inggris untuk persiapan ujian nasional. Soal Ujian nasional bahasa Inggris terdiri dari soal listeniing dan soal reading. Komposisi soal listening  15 butir soal dan 35 soal reading yang terdiri atas soal teks reading dan soal incomplete dialogs. 

Soal listening sudah saya lengkapi pada posting sebelumnya dan memang saya pisahkan dengan latihan soal reading mengingat terlalu panjang tulisan atau posting. Nah, berikut kelanjutan dari latihan soal listening SMK yang sudah pernah saya tulis sebelumnya yaitu soal latihan ujian nasional (UN) Bahasa Inggris SMK Tahun 2019/ 2020 bagian reading. seperti biasa, soal bisa dikerjakan secara online dengan skor nilai akan tertera begitu selesai mengerjakan soal. Untuk pembahasannya, akan saya posting terpisah dari posting latihan ini.

Nah, langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya, 

The following text for number 1-3
A drone is an unmanned aircraft. The term drone, more widely used by the public, refers to the resemblance of dumb-looking navigation and loud-and-regular motor sounds to the male bee. Drone is also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), as an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or by several other names.
The flight of UAVs may operate with various degrees of autonomy: either under remote control by a human operator, or fully autonomously, by computers. A UAV uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift and can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely. It can also be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload.

1. What is the topic of the text?.
Describing an unmanned aircraft used by military
Explaining how to operate an unmanned aircraft
Explaining function of a drone
Describing a drone in general

2. What makes a drone fly?.
Aerodynamic forces
A computer system
A remote control
A remote pilot

3. From the text we know that …
The name of an unmanned aircraft comes from a male bee
Some of the drones can be folded and make it easy to carry
All drones may carry heavy loads and transports them to remote areas
A computer program needs to be installed to fly a drone

The following text for number 4-6
The Ambarawa Railway Museum houses 21 antique locomotives plus two more, which are stored in the depot. These locomotives are no longer produced; even the factories that made them no longer exist. The main building of this museum is the defunct Ambarawa railway station which was built in 1873. The station covers 127,500 m2.
The oldest in this museum is a locomotive made by Hartman Chemnitz. This locomotive, with a length of 8.58 m and a width of 2.45 m, began its operation in 1891. Using wood as fuel, the steam locomotive could run 50 km/h – its maximum speed.
A special part of a visit to this museum is a trip by train from The Ambarawa Railway Museum to the defunct Bedono train station. This package tour is called Railway Mountain Tour. Why is the trip so special? Because the participants will board an antique train and the train will travel on a 4.9 kilometer-cog railway, which is the only one in the world.

4. What does the text mainly discuss?
The 21 antique locomotives
Ambarawa Railway Station
The oldest locomotive
Ambarawa Railway Museum

5. What will a travel blogger probably do after reading the text?
Book the Railway Mountain Tour at Ambarawa Railway Museum.
Plan to visit Ambarawa Railway Museum to take pictures and to write a review.
Find the best route to visit Ambarawa Railway Museum for the next visit
Reserve a hotel room in Ambarawa and enjoy the scenery of Ambarawa

6. “…; even the factories that made them no longer exist.”
The word "them" refers to …
the factories
twenty-three antique locomotives
the defunct Ambarawara railway station

The following text for number 7 -11
MikroTik is a Latvian company founded in 1996, which specializes in the development and production of router solutions and wireless LAN devices for Internet service providers. Experience with industrial hardware and complete routing platforms has enabled MikroTik to launch RouterOS in 1997. RouterOS is a MikroTik operating system that is extremely stable and offers infinite control and flexibility. In 2002, MikroTik also decided to develop its own hardware to create the RouterBOARD series. Today, MikroTik has about 200 employees, as well as dealers and customers in almost every country in the world.
MikroTik provides routing, switching, and wireless devices for a wide range of businesses from enterprise to high-end data centers. Create wireless cross-sea connections, country-to-country Internet connections, or secure VPN connections between banks – MikroTik can do it. In addition, MikroTik has a wide network of training centers.
MikroTik RouterOS is the MikroTik RouterBOARD hardware operating system. People can install it on a computer that converts to a router with all the necessary features – routing, firewall, bandwidth management, wireless access point, backhaul link, hotspot, VPN server, and much more. RouterOS is a standalone operating system based on Linux v2.6. MikroTik provides all these features with quick and easy installation and user-friendly interface.

Source :

7. The topic of the text is ….
IT software developer for internet service providers
Internet service providers
A company specialized for router and Wireless LAN devices production
A hardware operating system for computer

8. Which is NOT TRUE about Mikrotik?
Mikrotik specializes in the development and production of router solutions and wireless LAN devices for Internet service providers
MikroTik has dealers and customers in almost every country in the world
MikroTik only provides routing, switching, and wireless devices for a local range of business
MikroTik has quick and easy installation and user-friendly interface

9. … People can install it on a computer that converts to a router …
What does the word "convert" mean ?

10. Which is not MikroTik RouterOS’s feature?
bandwidth management

11. People can install it on a computer that converts to a router…
The word ‘it’ refers to ….
MikroTik RouterBOARD
MikroTik RouterOS
Linux v2.6
VPN connections

The following text for number 12 - 15
Larry Page is one of the most influential people in the world. He was born on 26 March 1973 in Michigan. By 2019, his age is 46 years old. The color of his hair is dark brown and his skin is fair.
Page is an American computer scientist and an internet entrepreneur. He was a co-founder of Google with his friend, Sergey Brin, in 1998. He plays a role as the chief executive officer (CEO) of Alphabets, Google’s parent company.
In November 2016, he became the 12th richest person in the world. His last education background is a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Here, he met Sergey Brin. They incorporated Google to make world’s information easy to access. This company makes him to be the successful person in the world.
Larry Page married to Lucinda Southworth, a research scientis, and now he is a father of two children.

12. The writer’s intention to write the text is .....
to inform about the founder of Google
to explain about Larry Page’s description
to tell how Larry Page becomes a successful person
to describe the Chief Executive Officer of Alphabets

13. Larry Page is one of the successful persons in the world because he ....
can influence people to use Google
is a Stanford University graduate
established Google company
holds an internet research

14. It can be concluded from the text that Larry Page is ....
a research scientist
unmarried man
a doctorate degree graduate
the only co-founder of Google

15. They incorporated Google to make world’s information easy to access.
The word "access" is closest meaning to …

The following text for number 16 - 18
The fifth annual Center City Job Fair will take place this coming Saturday at the Royal Hotel from 11:30 until 4:00. Representatives from more than 100 companies will be on hand to talk with you about career opportunities in their fields. Preliminary job application forms will be available, and attendees are advised to bring up to 25 copies of their resume. Throughout the day special seminars will be offered on topics such as The Successful Job Interview, Write a Winning Resume, and Dressing for Business Success. Admission is just $10, and tickets will be available at the door. Don't miss the event that the Center City Daily newspaper has called " the best job fair in the country."

16. The announcement is mainly talking about ….
Job application
The day special seminar
Job fair in the Center City
Job interview

17. It can be referred from the text that ….
Attendees are free to join Job fair
The special seminars will be held for few days
Applications are not available at the event
Newspaper is where the event mentioned

18. What should people bring to the event?
Tickets of the Job fair
The recent newspaper
Applications forms

The following letter for number 19-20
Dear Nadya,
I am sorry to hear that you had a car accident and you have to stay in bed because of your broken leg. I’m glad to hear that you are taking it easy. If there is anything we can help to make your days pass more easily, just call us and we will be glad to help you. I sincerely hope you are not worrying too much about your work because I have assigned somebody to handle it. Get well soon!



19. What is the letter about?
Recommending Nadya to be happy in her condition
Advising Nadya to stay in bed
Requesting Nadya to handle work
Showing concern about Nadya’s condition

20. What happened to Nadya?
She was being treatment
She was very tired
She felt optimistic
She felt optimistic

The following text for number 21 -23

1. Remove the back cover, using a small screwdriver to loosen the screw
2. Remove batteries and replace with two new AAA batteries. use the + and - signs to position correctly. dispose of used batteries properly.
3. Replace the cover and tighten the screw with the screwdriver
4. Reset the time using the side buttons

The GMX 200 is guaranteed to keep time accurately for one full year from date of purchase. should it malfunction in any way during this time period, your money will be refunded in full.

21. What are these the instructions for?
Changing the batteries
Replacing cover
Repairing batteries
Getting a refund

22. It can be referred from the text that ….
the GMX 200 is a disposal garbage
Replacing cover
the users will get full refund if there is malfunction during the guarantee period
there are two kinds of batteries to replace the old batteries

23. “Dispose of used batteries properly”
The word "dispose" has similar meaning to ….

24. Dialogue for number 24
Sita: How’s the weather today?
Novela: It’s nice. ……..
Sita: How about going to the beach.
Novela: Oh that’s a good idea.
It makes me sad
It makes me gloomy
It makes me happy
It makes me shy

25. Dialogue for number 25
Adel: I’ll go camping to Andong Peak next Sunday. We can take some beautiful pictures there. Would you like to join?
Anna: I’m sorry I can’t. I don’t like …
Adel: Come on, it will be fun.

26. Dialogue for number 26
Jimmy : I will celebrate my birthday next Thursday. … There will be a party there.
Melisa : I'm sorry I can't. I have to take my parents to the airport.
Jimmy : You can go after the taking your parents to the airport.
You have to come.
Would you like to come?
I need your help.
I will come on time

27. Dialogue for number 27
Eka : These foods are very delicious, who cooked them?
Fika : …, I cooked them by myself.
Eka : I'm sure you will be a great chef one day.
I don’t think so
Thank you
It’s my pleasure
I agree

28. Dialogue for number 28
Aina : It’s very hot here. I can’t bear it anymore
Indah :..... I’ll open all the windows. The air conditioner is out of order.
I’m sorry for your inconvenience.
You don’t need to complain
I’m sorry to hear that
I’m Ok with that

29. Dialogue for number 29
Assistant :Can I help you?
Customer : Yes, I’m in a bit of a rush. Could I have a piece of apple pie please?
Assistant : .... Would you like it with cream?
Customer :No thanks
I’m not sure
What a surprise

30. Dialogue for number 30
Waiter : Can I take your order, please?
Customer : Yes, …
Waiter : What would you like to drink?
Customer : Strawberry juice, please.
Waiter : Sure, anything else?
Customer : No, thanks.
I need some food
I need some drink
I want an iced tea
I don’t want anything

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