
Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019

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Dua topik ungkapan complaining and apologizing sangat berkaitan erat satu sama lain. Complaining menyatakan sebuah ungkapan akan ketidakpuasan terhadap sesuatu misalna saja pembelian, pelayanan atau jasa. Apologizing menyatakan sebuah ungkapan maaf atas kesalahan atau kekeliruan yang sudah dibuat. Dalam berbagai hal, kedua ungkapan ini sangat sering digunakan atau diucapkan melalui ekspresi- ekspresi di dalamnya.

Beberapa ungkapan yang lazim digunakan untuk menyatakan kedua ekspresi diatas adalah sebagai berikut :

Expressing of Complaining
The good is not good
You have to replace
I've got a wrong bill.

I'm sorry
We'll handle soon

Expressing of apologizing
I'm sorry for ___
I apologize for ____
Forgive me for my _____

It's OK
No problem
Never mind

Dalam soal biasanya ungkapan ini berpadu dengan beberapa ungkapan lainnya. Karenanya, keterampilan menafsirkan dan memahami konteks percakapan dalam soal sangatlah penting sekali. Untuk mengasah keterampilan anda dalam mengerjakan soal- soal dengan kedua topik ini, sudah saya siapkan beberapa item soal sebagai gambaran bentuk expession of complaining and apologizing dalam konteks soal.

Langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya.
Dialogue no. 1
Yossy : I think the Geprek Ayam level 9 is very delicious
Nayla : ____ It's too hot for me

I think so
I don't think so
I'm sure it is

Dialogue no. 2
Tiara : You look so pale. are you tired?
Mira : I am. It was sleepless night last night. I had to finish writing report
Tiara : ____ . I'll handle everything here.

I'm sure you have finished it
Why don't you just go home?
What a tiring day
I'm sorry for that

Dialogue no. 3
Guest : I ordered breakfast in the room an hour ago, but ____
Room service : I'm sorry about that, sir. The waiter has already sent it to your room. I'm sure he will be at your door.

I didn't know what to do
I don't have any idea
I haven't got it yet
I won't be away

Dialogue no. 4
Doctor : What's your complaint?
Patient : ____ dizzy and have nausea.
Doctor : Let me check

I always have
I often feel
I sometimes look
I usually think

Dialogue no. 5
Customer : Excuse me, I must return the alcohol you delivered yesterday.
Pharmacist : _____
Customer : I ordered 90 % not 70 %
Pharmacist : I'm terribly sorry. I'll have it replaced

What's the problem in the concentration?
Have I miscountered the percentage?
What's exactly wrong with the alcohol sir?
What percent alcohol did you order yesterday?

Dialogue no. 6
Bagus feels guilty because he has broken Jimmy's glasses by accident.
Bagus : Jim, ____ I've broken your glasses; Let me buy new ones for you.
Jimmy : No problem

I am sorry
I don't like it
I will be successful
I apologize you

Dialogue no. 7
Bima : ____ I've spilled some milk on the table.
Waiter : I'll clean it ffor you immediately.

be careful
It's OK
No problem
I am sorry

Dialogue no. 8
Riff : I am sorry. I broke your car.
Juna : _____
Riff : I'll find the nearest one.

You are careless driver
It's OK. We can bring it to the workshop
It doesn't matter. Let's have a meal
Why don't you stop driving?

Dialogue no. 9
Guest : This meat is very hard. I can't eat it.
Waiter : _____.
Guest : Thank you. It's kind of you.

I'm sorry. I will change it with another one
It's OK. You can try to bite it again
Your teeth are not good, sir
Sorry, sir. But there is not any other one

Dialogue no. 10
Clerk : We're sorry that we have no more cars available tomorrow
Shinta : What about an MPV?
Clerk : I'm very sorry ___ during this holiday season.

we don't have any MPV
an MPV is very expensive
Cars are getting more expensive
we're fully booked

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Semoga bermanfaat dan silahkan berlatih seri soal incomplete dialog lainnya..


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