
Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

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Expressions of thanking merupakan ekspresi yang digunakan untuk berterima kasih terhadap seseorang atas apa yang sudah dilakukan. Beberapa ungkapan digunakan untuk menyatakan ekspresi ini antara lain ;
  • Thank you
  • Thank you so much 
  • Thank you very much
  • Thanks a lot
  • Thanks for everything
  • Thank you for....
  • I'm very grateful to you
Adapun respon atau jawaban yang paling sering digunakan untuk ungkapan thanking ini adalah sebagai berikut ;

  • Don't mention it
  • It was the least I could do
  • You're welcome
  • It's no trouble at all
Sedangkan ekspresi complimenting digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah sanjungan kepada orang lain. Seperti yang bisa kita dalam bentuk- bentuk ungkapan berikut ini.
  • What a ...!
  • That’s a very nice...    
  • I like your ...
  • You look so good
  • You’re looking pretty
  • I would like to compliment you on...
Respon untuk ungkapan ini beragam bentuknya, seperti :
  • Thank you for saying so
  • Oh not really
  • How kind of you to say so.
Dalam soal mungkin kita akan menghadapi berbagai ungkapan yang berbeda menurut konteks dialognya. Karena itu, mengetahui tentang konten dialog merupakan hal yang wajib untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan ekspresi yang digunakan.

Nah, langsung saja, untuk memperdalam materi ini, berikut latihan soal bentuk incomplete dialog khusus untuk materi thanking and complimenting. Seperti biasa, seri soal berjumlah sepuluh soal, dilengkapi dengan jawaban yang benar pada akhir atau setelah selesai mengerjakan soal.
Bimo : This currie is so delicious. You are really a good cook.
Nanda : _____ .

No, not at all
I think so
I'm glad you're right
I'm glad you like it

Didi : Did you go to the concert last night?
Nanda : Yes, ____ and I saw Farel played the guitar.

I'm going there
It was great
I admire her
It sounds bad

Vina : Amazing! _____
Jane : Thanks. Do you like it?
Vina : Yes, I do

What a nice car you have
How do you like your car?
What does your car look like?
How beautiful you are

Ann : The party was great. ____ .
Bob : Thanks, I am glad you could come.

I'm not satisfied
I really like the food
I'm happy to invite you
I didn't enjoy it at all

Nala : I heard that you got a gold medal of Pencak silat on asian games last year.
Bima : Yes. You're right. I worked hard for it.
Nala : I believe you. ____
Bima : Thanks.

Good for you
I don't care of you
That's what I think

Vela : You look so beautiful with your new gown. I really suits you.
Jenny : _____ .

Not at all
Thank you
Yes, please
That's right

Memi : Should I help you carry the luggage?
John : Oh ____ thank you.
Memi : You're welcome.

You ruin me
very well
It's very kind of you
Let me help you

Ahza : Congratulations. You are awarded as the most diligent employee for this year
Rere : ____.

Thank you
my happiness
Yes, I do
I don't think so

Aurel : I like your new hairstyle. You look much younger.
Rere : Thank you. ______ .

I like it too
I'm glad you like it
I like to look younger
I look like an artist

Jovan : Dad, I've got flat tire, and this afternoon I'm going to use it with my friend. Could you help me, please?
Father : All right. I'll inflate for you now. Bring it there.
Jovan : ______, Dad

You are very patient
Thanks a lot
Don't mention it
I like it very much

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Jangan lupa tuliskan skor pencapaian di kolom komentar ya dan semoga bermanfaat.

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