
Senin, 15 Juni 2020

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Halo sahabat Ahzaa, menjelang awal- awal semester satu, kali ini saya ingin berbagi latihan soal materi kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 (satu) bab I tentang Greeting and leave taking. Materi ini merupakan materi awal masuk kelas 7 SMP. Sebelum beranjak ke soal tentang greeting and leave taking, sebaiknya kita pelajari materinya lebih dulu untuk memahami pengunaan ungkapan yang tepat dalam kalimat. 

Indikator pencapaian pada materi greeting adalah sesuai dengan kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar kelas 7 SMP. Dalam hal ini siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ungkapan dalam greeting dan leave taking (3.1.1) dan siswa dapat menyatakan dan merespon ekspresi greeting dan leave taking dengan membuat dialog (4.1.1)

Ringkasan Materi Greeting and Leave Taking

 Greeting Responses
 Formal Situation 
 Good Morning  Good Morning 
 Good afternoon  Good afternoon   
 Good evening  Good evening
 Good night  Good night
 How do you do?  How do you do?
 How are you?  Fine, Thanks
 Informal Situation        
 Morning  Morning
 Afternoon  Afternoon
 Evening  Evening
 Night  Night
 Hello!  Hello
 Hi!  Hi
 How are you doing?  Great/ I'm not really well
 How are things?  All right/ OK/ Bad 
 How is everything?  Okay..
 What's going on?  Not bad, thanks
 What's up?  very well, thank you
 Leave taking Responses
 Nice to see you  Nice to see you, too 
 Good to see you  Good to see you, too
 Pleased to meet you    Pleased to meet you, too  
 Bye  Bye
 Bye-Bye  Bye-Bye
 See you later  See you/ Fine
 See you tomorrow  See you
 See you soon  See you/ O.K
 Take care  You too
 Be seeing you  See you

Ungkapan selamat pagi/sore/ malam/ tidur biasanya juga diikuti oleh sapaan nama orang/ ibu/ bapak/ dll. Berikut contohnya,
  • Good morning, sir! (Selamat pagi , pak!)
  • Good morning, madam/ Ma'am! (Selamat pagi, bu!)
  • Good morning, ladies and gentleman! (selamat pagi, tuan dan nyonya!)
  • Good morning, Mr. Andre! ( Selamat pagi, pak Andre!)
  • Good morning, Mrs. Andre! (Selamat pagi, Nyonya Andre!) *
  • Good Morning, Miss Linda! (Selamat pagi, Nona Linda) **
Keterangan :
*   Mrs digunakan untuk wanita yang sudah menikah dan diikuti oleh nama suaminya
** Miss digunakan untuk wanita yang belum menikah

Choose the correct answer!

Dialogue below for question number 1 -2
Chandra : Hi, Dayu. How are you?
Dayu I am fine, thanks.
Chandra … (1) … . Dayu, this is Dewa.
Dayu : Hello, I am Dayu.   … (2) …
Dewa : Nice to meet you, too. Hey, Are you from Bali?
Dayu : No, I am not. I am from Surabaya.

Number 1
a. Great
b. I’d like you to meet Dewa.
c. Please welcome
d. It’s my pleasure

Number 2
a. Glad to see you
b. Hang on a minute
c. Wow! You are.
d. It’s nice to meet you

Number 3
Bayu : Excuse me, Are you Ary Janwari?
Ary  : Yes, that’s me.                     .
Bayu : May I introduce myself? I’m Bayu Laksana. How do you do?
Ary  : ... .

a. How are you?
b. How do you do?
c. Nice to see you.
d. What's up?

Number 4
X : Good morning, students. It's nice day to meet you again. 
Y : ...

a. Very well, and you?
b. Nice to meet you
c. Good morning, Miss Erna
d. We're happy today

Number 5
A : Hi, Lisa. ....
B : Great! How about you?
A : I'm good, thanks.

a.  How are things?
b.  Where have you been?
c.  Are you okay?
d. It's a bright day, isn't it?

Number 6
Jane : I have to go now. My mom is waiting for me at the moment. Nice to meet you, Nina.
Nina : ..., Jane.

a. Bye
b. Nice to meet you, too
c. I'm not fine today.
d. She must be angry

Number 7
Nano : Hi Jihan, is it true that there will be first English club meeting after school?
Jihan : Yes, Nano. we have first meeting after school. Will you come?
Nano : Yes, I will come. 
Jihan : Ok, then. see you there. Bye.
Nano :  ...

a.  Nice to see you
b.  Glad to see you
c.  Bye
d.  OK

Number 8
Mom : ... . Have a nice dream.
Ann   : Good night, Mom. have a nice dream, too.

a. Good evening, Ann
b. Good night, Mom
c. Good night, Ann
d. Nice to see you, Ann

Number 9
Linda : Hello, my name is Linda Febriana
Lucy  : Hello Linda, My name is Lucy Indriana.
            How do you do?
Linda : ....

a. Nice to see you
b. I'm glad to know you
c. Fine, thanks
d. How do you do?

Number 10
Andy  : How's life, Andra?
Andra : ... , Thanks.

a. Not bad
b. Wish me luck
c. How about you?
d. Nice to meet you

Dialogue below for question number 11 -15
Mr. Chandra  : Good ... (11) , Mrs Sudibyo.
Mrs Sudibyo  : Good morning, Mrs. Sudibyo . How are you?
Mr. Chandra  :  I'm fine, ...(12) . And you?
Mrs Sudibyo :  ...(13)  . Mr. Chandra, this is my husband Arya Sudibyo. Arya, this is Mr. Chandra, my English teacher.
Mr Sudibyo   :  Pleased to meet you Mr. Chandra.
Mr. Chandra  :   ... (14)  to meet you too. Are you from Semarang, Mr Sudibyo?
Mr Sudibyo   :  Yes, I'm from Semarang. Do you live in Semarang?
Mr. Chandra  :  No, I'm from Yogyakarta , but I live in Semarang while am teaching at college.
Mrs Sudibyo  :  Well, ...(15)  Mr. Chandra, it was nice to see you.
Mr. Chandra  :  Yes, it was nice talking to you. Goodbye.

Number 11
a. night
b. morning
c. evening
d. afternoon

Number 12
a. too
b. How about you?
c. Thanks
d. You're welcome

Number 13
a. Not too bad
b. Are you?
c. and you?
d. Nice to see you

Number 14
a. Nice
b. Pleased
c. good
d. well

Number 15
a. Fine
b. O.K
c. Good Bye
d. Nice

Number 16
Dewi  : Hello I'm Dewi. Are you a student here?
Bella : Yes, I'm Bella. Pleased to meet you, Dewi.
Dewi : ...

a. Good
b. I'm fine. Thank you
c. I am happy, too
d. Pleased to meet you

Number 17
Hendra : Hi Linda. ...
Linda   : Hi, Hendra. ....
Hendra : Nice to meet you, too

a. How are you?
b. How's life?
c. Nice to meet you
d. Nice to see you

Number 18
Indra : I'll go to school now, mom. Good bye.
Mom : ... Be careful on your way.

a. Nice to see you
b. See you
c. See you later
d. Good Bye

Dialogue below for question number 19 -20
Jenny           : Good afternoon, Nilam.
Nilam          : Good afternoon, Jenny. How are you?
Jenny           : I’m very well, thank you. And how’re you, Nilam?
Nilam          : I’m fine, thanks. I came to buy some stamps and send letters.
Jenny           : I must send this card to my friend. It’s her birthday next week. Have a nice day Nilam.
Nilam          : Thanks, and you too. Bye!
Jenny            : Goodbye! 

Number 19.
It can be concluded from the text that ....
a. Jenny met Nilam in the bank
b. Nilaim wanted to send her birthday card to her friend
c. Nilam hasn't met Jenny before
d. Jenny wanted to send her birthday card to her friend

Number 20
Where did the conversation take place?
a. bank
b. post office
c. supermarket
d. police station

Demikian Ringkasan Materi Plus Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 Chapter I : Greeting and Leave Taking. apabila teman- teman membutuhkan soal diatas, bisa download melalui link di bawah ini,

Semoga Bermanfaat untuk teman- teman semua dan jangan lupa bagikan tulisan ini ya... 

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