
Kamis, 18 Juni 2020

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Pembahasan materi selanjutnya dari kelas 7 SMP semester 1 adalah materi Introduction. Saat pertama kali bertemu, hal yang kita lakukan adalah berkenalan. Kita bisa memperkenalkan diri kita sendiri (introducing self) atau kemudian juga bisa memperkenalkan teman ke yang lainnya (introducing someone else).

Sebelum beranjak ke dalam latihan soal, kita cermati terlebih dahulu mengenai ungkapan memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain (Expression of self introduction and introducing someone else)
Self Introduction
Allow me to introduce my self, my name is Ayunara
Let me introduce my self, I’m …( Ayunara)
How do you do?

Nice to meet you. My name is …/ I’m …
I’m …/ My name’s …/ ( just name)
How do you do?
What’s your name?
I’m … ( Ayunara) what’s yours?
How are you?
Hi …

My name is …
I’m …
Fine, thanks
Hi …
Introducing someone to someone else
Let me introduce you to …
My I introduce my husband, Bahar.
I’d like to introduce my best friend, Shinta
How do you do?

What’s your name?
This is Mr. Andre
This is Dinda, Dinda Mariana

Hi. I’m Baim
Hello, …I’m Chandra
Nice to see/ meet  you

Nah, setelah dipelajari berbagai ungkapan penggunaannya, silahkan berlanjut ke dalam soal latihan tentang ungkapan tersebut.

CHAPTER 2 : Introduction
Choose the correct answer!
1. Dinda is a new member of Mawar English Club. She introduced herself.
Dinda : ladies and gentlemen. … .
a. I am happy to meet you
b. Let me introduce you to the audiences
c. Let me introduce myself
d. May I introduce my friend

2. Hanif : Excuse me, … I am Hanif Irham from SMP Tunas Kartika
Indra : I’m Indra, from SMP Media Citra. How do you do?
a. Allow me to say goodbye
b. Allow me to know yourself
c. Allow me to introduce myself
d. Allow me to introduce them

3. Ayu : Hi, … ? My name is Ayu. Glad to see you.
Fitria : Hi, Ayu. Glad to meet you, too. I am Fitria.
a. May I help you?
b. May I introduce myself
c. Do you know me
d. May I know you

4. Diana wants to introduce Meika to her brother.
Diana : Meika, this is my brother, Bilal, and Bilal this is Diana.
Bilal : … .
a. Hi, nice to meet you
b. Are you okay?
c. How is she?
d. Don’t mention it

5. Aira : Ayla, I’d like you to meet my friend, Rizka
Ayla : Hi, Rizka
Rizka : Hello Ayla. You look familiar. … before?
a. will we meet
b. did we meet
c. have we met
d. could we meet

6. Raka : Hello, I am Raka. A new student here.
Chika : Hello Raka. Glad to meet you, too.  … .
a. I am Chika
b. Her name is Chika
c. I know Chika
d. Chika is my friend

7. X : I’d like to introduce my friends. … .
Y : How do you do? He has talked about you.
a. These are Chandra and Rifki
b. This is my friends
c. Here is my friend
d. Those are yours

8. Teacher : Class, … Rihana.
Rihana : Nice to meet you
Students : Nice to meet you, too
a. Let me introduce you to her
b. We are happy to have you here
c. Please tell us something
d. This is our new friend

9. Joana : Excuse me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Joana. I am a new student here.
Anna : Nice to meet you. My name is Anna. How do you do?
Joana : … .
a. I’m OK
b. Nice
c. How do you do?
d. Not too bad, Anna

10. Ifa : Hi Desy, nice to meet you here. By the way … . His name is Bayu.
Desy : Nice to meet you. My name is Desy.
Bayu : Nice to see you, too. I am Bayu, a student here.
a. Here I am
b. This is my friend
c. You know him
d. He is a student

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions number 11 -15
Arya is talking to a new friend in his class. Arya is introducing himself to him
Arya : Hello, I am Arya. My full name is Arya Kamandika. What is your name?
Raka : I am Raka. My complete name is Raka Iswara. I have just moved from Medan, Sumatra Utara. Where do you live?
Arya : I live at Melati street number 45. And what is your address?
Raka : My address is Kijang street number 12. I live with my grandmother here. My parents are still in Medan. They work there.
Arya : What is your phone number?
Raka : I’m sorry. I have no phone.

11. Where is Raka coming from?
a. Semarang
b. Medan
c. Aceh
d. Bali

12. Where does Raka live now?
a. Melati street number 45
b. Kijang street number 12
c. Medan, Sumatera Utara
d. Jakarta

13. With whom does Raka live?
a. parents
b. grandparents
c. uncle
d. grandma

14. Does Raka have phone?
a. Yes, he has
b. No, he will not
c. No, he doesn’t
d. Yes, he does

15. It can be stated from the text that ….
a. Arya has known Raka for a long time
b. Raka has just moved to Semarang from Medan
c. Raka has met Arya before
d. Raka live with his parents

Read the text to answer number 16 -20

Name         : Vina
Full name : Vina Meliana
Place of birth : Boyolali
Date of birth : 12 Juni 2008
Religion         : Islam
Address         : Kenari Street 56 Semarang
Phone number : -
School address: SMP Nusa Bangsa
Grade         : 7th
Height         : 151 cm
Weight         : 40 Kg
Food         : Fried Chicken
Drink         : Capuccino Float

16. The purpose of the text is to ….
a. describe Vina Meliana
b. give information about Vina Meliana’s personal identity
c. retell Vina’s experience
d. inform what the food Vina likes

17. How old is Vina in 2020?
a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. 14

18. Are Vina’s birth place and her address same?
a. Yes, they do
b. No, they do not
c. Yes, they are
d. No, they are not

19. It can be conclude from the text that ….
a. Vina will have birthday on July
b. She is the 7th  grade student of junior high school now
c. She lives with her parents
d. She has phone number

20. The word ‘drink’ has the closest meaning to …
a. food
b. meal
c. menu
d. beverage

--- Selamat Berlatih ---

Oya bagi teman- teman yang menutuhkan soal diatas untuk dikerjakan secara offline ,silahkan unduh soal diatas melalui tautan link dibawah ini,

Semoga Bermanfaat..

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