
Rabu, 11 Maret 2020

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Reported Speech disebut juga sebagai indirect speech. Bentuk ini digunakan ketika kita ingin memberi tahu seseorang apa yang dikatakan oleh seseorang lainnya. Kata kerja introductory verb yang sering digunakan dalam reported speech misalnya kata "say, tell, ask, dan sebagainya. Ada empat bentuk kalimat  reported yaitu Reported statements, W-H questions, Yes/ No Questions, dan Reported commands.

Dalam soal, bentuk reported speech biasanya diinstruksikan dengan merubah bentuk direct speech menjadi reported speech. Untuk pembahasan lengkap mengenai reported speech bisa dilihat pada posting sebelumnya.
Baca Juga : Pembahasan Materi Direct Speech dan Indiect Speech Bahasa Inggris
Pada post kali ini khusus akan saya sajikan latihan soal untuk reported speech dalam kalimat pernyataan (statements). Ada beberapa aturan yang mesti diperhatikan dalam reported speech untuk kalimat pernyataan yaitu,

1. Terjadi perubahan tenses dalam kalimat reported statement bila introductory verb nya dalam bentuk past tense. Adapun perubahannya sebagai berikut,
  • present simple >> past simple
  • present continuous >> past continuous
  • past continuous >> past perfect continuous
  • will >> would
  • shall >> should
  • must >> had to
  • can >> could

2. Kata "that" sifatnya opsional untuk ditambahkan setelah introductory verb dalam kalimat tidak langsung.
Contoh :
She said, "I will study hard to pass the examination."
>> She said that she would study hard to pass the examination.


>> She said she would study hard to pass the examination.

Latihan Reported Speech : reported statement

Choose the correct sentences in indirect speech
1. She said, "I'm going to the market."
She said she that is going to the market.
She said she that was going to the market.

2. Jovan said, I'm very tired." "
Jovan said that I was very tired
Jovan said he was very tired

3. He said, I'm going to the cinema.
he said that I was going to the cinema
he said that he was going to the cinema

4. He said, "I've already met her sister."
He said that he had already met her sister
He said that he's already met her sister

5. "I must go home to have dinner with my wife", he said
He said he had to go home to have dinner with his wife
He said I had to go home to have dinner with my wife

6. She said, "I'm listening to the radio."
She said that she was listening to the radio
She said that I was listening to the radio

7. He said, "I haven't been waiting long."
He said that he hasn't been waiting long
He said that he hadn't been waiting long

8. He said,"I'm having lunch."
He said that he was having lunch
He said that I was having lunch

9. "I'll tell them the report on Monday." she said
She said that she would tell them the report on Monday
She said that she will tell them the report on Monday

10. She said, "I can drive"
she said that she could drive
she said that she can drive

11. He said, "I stayed in a hotel for a week."
He said that he stayed in a hotel for a week
He said that he had stayed in a hotel for a week

12. "I haven't seen anybody", she said.
She said she hasn't seen anybody
She said she hadn't seen anybody

13. He said, " I must go."
He said I had to go
He said he had to go

14. "I'm trying to understand this subject." he said
he said he was trying to understand that subject.
he said he was trying to understand this subject.

15. "I can't speak any foreign languages", he said
He said that he can't speak any foreign languages
He said that he couldn't speak any foreign languages

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