
Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019

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Latihan soal berikut mulai dari nomor 27 sampai dengan 50. Untuk pembahasan soal bisa dicermati pada bagian akhir dari latihan soal.

Oke langsung saja, berikut lanjutan latihannya.
The following text is for questions number 27 – 30
Caribbean Islands is a chain of islands that separates the Caribbean Sea from the rest of the Atlantic Ocean. They’re like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America. Many of the islands were formed by the eruption of ancient volcanoes. Others are low-lying coral islands that gradually rose from the ocean. 
The Caribbean Islands are known by several names. The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies. The explorer Christopher Columbus called the islands the Indies in 1492 because he thought he was near the coast of India. Later, Spain and France called the islands the Antilles.
There are four large islands in the Caribbean Sea. They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola. (Hispaniola is divided into Haiti and the Dominican Republic.) These four islands are often called the Greater Antilles. Together, they account for about 90 percent of the land area of the Caribbean Islands. The rest of the Caribbean Islands are much smaller. They are often called the Lesser Antilles. Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers of exposed coral. You can see why pirates such as the famous Blackbeard sailed these waters. There are countless small islands to bury treasure or hide on. 
The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beaches line the coasts of many islands. This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year. Many tourists arrive on cruise ships. 
But Life in the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise. Violent hurricanes or volcanic eruptions can make the islands a very dangerous place to be. In the summer months, hurricanes can sweep in from the Atlantic Ocean, bringing destructive winds to the islands. 
The Caribbean Islands are a mix of many different cultures. The first people to live there were the native Taino and Carib Indians. Most people in the Caribbean speak Spanish, but French, Dutch, and English are widely used, too. Half the people work the land as farmers. Many still work on large sugarcane or coffee plantations. Other important crops include bananas, citrus fruits, cotton, and tobacco.

27. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Caribbean Sea
B. Caribbean Islands
C. The beaches in Caribbean Islands
D. The cultures in Caribbean Islands
E. The beauty of Caribbean Islands

28. Why do many tourists  visit the Caribbean islands each year?
A. The Caribbean Islands have many volcanoes to watch
B. The Caribbean Islands have many different cultures
C. The tourists can see pirates such as the famous Blackbeard sailed there
D. The Caribbean Islands provide sandy beaches along the coast line
E. The tourists may bury  treasure on many places in Caribbean islands

29. They are often called the Lesser Antilles.” (paragraph 3) 
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Four large islands in the Caribbean Sea
B. The smaller islands in The Caribbean Sea
C. The Greater Antilles
D. The Caribbean Islands
E. Land area of the Caribbean Islands

30. Violent hurricanes or volcanic eruptions can make the islands a very dangerous place to be.” (paragraph 5).
The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
A. Soft
B. Mild
C. Light
D. Savage 
E. Gentle

The following text is for questions number 31 – 33
Like a lot of other ideas, chewing gum developed when an inventive person was trying to develop something else, In 1870, Thomas Adams was trying to create substance similar to rubber. He knew that, in the past, natives of Mexico had enjoyed chewing chicle, which was the gum of the sapodilla tree; he thought that his chicle might possibly be useful as a replacement for rubber. While he was working with it, he decided to try chewing it, just as had been done in Mexico. He enjoyed the sensation and decided that he should try selling it. Unfortunately, however, not many people bought it. He then improved the product by adding flavorings and sugar to it, and he gave out free samples until the product caught on. Though he never succeeded in his original search for a replacement for rubber, he became highly successful as a chewing gum producer.
Adapted text from : Longman Introductory Course, 2007

31. What is the main idea of the text above?
A. Chicle was generally chewed in Mexico
B. Thomas Adams was unsuccessful in inventing replacement of rubber
C. Natives of Mexico likes chewing chicle
D. Thomas Adams improved his invention by adding some flavors
E. Thomas Adams invented chewing gum  by chance  

32. In his search for a rubber substitute, Adams ….
A. found the native rubber plant
B. was very successful
C. succeeded late in his life
D. was desperate of his effort
E. was not successful

33. Which of the following statement is NOT true about chicle?
A. Some people in Mexico like chewing it
B. It originates from a tree
C. It might be similar substance to replace rubber
D. Adams thought he might find a use for it
E. It is a fraction of rubber tree

The following text is for questions number 34 – 36
The cuscus is a large marsupial native to the Northern forest of Australia and the large, tropical island of Papua New Guinea. The cuscus is known to range in size from just 15cm to more than 60cm in length, although the average sized cuscus tends to be around 45cm (18inches). The cuscus has small ears and large eyes which aid the cuscus through it's nocturnal lifestyle.
The cuscus is an arboreal mammal, and spends its life almost exclusively in the trees. The cuscus rests in the trees during the day, sleeping in the dense foliage and awakens at night to start moving through the trees in search of food. The cuscus is an omnivorous animal but the cuscus mainly eats leaves and fruits occasionally feasting on small birds and reptiles.
The cuscus is thought to breed throughout the year rather than having a strict breeding season. The mother cuscus gives birth to between 2 and 4 baby cuscus after a gestation period of just a couple of weeks. As with all marsupials, the female cuscus has a pouch on her tummy which the new born cuscus babies crawl into and stay until they are bigger, less vulnerable and able to start feeding themselves. Typically only one of the cuscus babies will survive and emerge from the pouch after 6 or 7 months.
The cuscus has a long and very strong prehensile tail which is naked (has no fur) at the end. This allows the cuscus to be able to grip onto the tree branches more easily when the cuscus is moving from tree to tree and resting during the day. The cuscus also has long, sharp claws which help the cuscus when it is moving around in the trees. The cuscus has thick, woolly fur which can be a variety of colours including brown, tan and white.
Source :

34. What is true about cuscus?
A. Cuscus spends almost of its life in the burrows
B. Cuscus has variety in colours such as tan, brown and white
C. Cuscus mainly consumes  reptiles and small birds and sometimes eat fruits and leaves
D. Cuscus babies will survive and emerge from their mother as soon as they are born
E. Prehensile tail help cuscus  to swing  from tree to tree

35. Cuscus is a  nocturnal animal, it means that it ….
A. Spends its life exclusively in the trees
B. Sleeps during the day and begin searching for food during night
C. Has pouch where its babies  stay
D. Has gestation period a couple of weeks
E. Lives In tropical islands

36. What does the third paragraph tell us about?
A. The origin of cuscus
B. The characteristics of cuscus
C. The habit of cuscus
D. The way of cuscus to breed
E. The colours of cuscus

The following text is for number 37 -39
The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been a serious for two reason. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimen and experiments. Formalin in Biology is a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to human's body.
The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This condition makes the people's health is really in a threat. When the control is weak and the use of formalin is spread wide all over the Indonesian regions,and these days it has really happened, the citizens' bodies will be badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their products which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our digestive system absorbs  the substance that should be for the human and animal corpses?
Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.
Adapted from : Ujian Nasional 2015

37. Why does the writer think that formalin is very dangerous for human beings?
A. Formalin is a 10 % solution of formaldehyde in water
B. The use of formalin has no tight control from the government
C. Formalin can be used as a disinfectant
D. Formalin is for biological specimen to human beings
E. Formalin is not for food preservative

38. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Formalin is used for disinfectant for biological specimen
B. The use of formalin becomes  a serious problem if it is not resolved
C. There are many products that contains formalin and dangerous preservatives
D. The use of formalin has not been controlled by the government  tightly
E. Human’s digestive can absorb the substance contained formalin

39. What does the writer suggest based on the text above?
A. Food traders should sell their products contained formalin
B. Formalin is needed to make food more delicious
C. People should add formaldehyde in water
D. Food sellers are asked to spill formalin to food products
E. People should avoid eating food contained formalin

The following text is for number 40 -42
Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet, our earth has become a global village. Yet, like many other human like technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
There are plenty of software that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smartphone or listen our favorite radio broadcast by streaming it in our tablet.
With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages. One of them is children may be exposed to violence and explicit contents that only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children well- being
Although internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its disadvantages.  
Adapted from : Ujian Nasional 2015    

40. The aim of the writer to convey  two side opinion about internet is ….
A. To be in positive side of the internet
B. To underline his own stance about internet
C. To make the readers know about the opinion of the issue of internet
D. To take one side about the internet 
E. To understand about  internet

41. Which one of the statement is TRUE about the disadvantages of internet?
A. It streams our favorite radio
B. It allows us chat with our relatives
C. It helps us to communicate far away
D. It exposes children to sexuality contents
E. It helps us to send email through smartphone  

42. One of them is children may be exposed to violence and explicit contents that only suitable for adults”
The underlined word is the closest in meaning to ….
A. Revealed
B. Protected
C. Concealed
D. Veiled
E. Hidden

The following text is for number 43 – 45
Most people picture sharks as huge, powerful, frightening predators, ready at any moment to use their sharp teeth to attack unwary swimmers without provocation. There are numerous fallacies, however, in this conception of sharks.
First, there are about 350 species of shark, and not all of them are large. They range in size from the dwarf shark, which can be only 6 inches (5 feet) long and can be held in the palm of the hand, to the whale shark, which can be more than 55 feet long. A second fallacy concerns  the number and type of teeth, which can vary tremendously among the different species of shark. A shark can have from one to seven sets of teeth  at the same time, and some types of shark can have several hundred teeth in each jaw. It is true that the fierce and predatory species to do possess extremely sharp and brutal teeth used to rip the prey apart; many other types of shark, however, have teeth more adapted to grabbing and holding than cutting and slashing.
Finally, not all sharks are predatory animals ready to strike out human on the least whim. In fact, only 12 of the 350 species of sharks have been known to attack humans, and a shark needs to be provoked in order to attack. The types of shark that have the worst  record with humans are the tiger shark, the bull shark, and the great white shark. However, for most species of shark, even some of the largest types, there are no known instances of attacks on human.

43. What is the text about?
A. The different kinds of sharks throughout the world
B. The characteristic of  shark teeth
C. The danger posed by shark
D. The misconception about sharks
E. The size of predator shark 

44. What is NOT true about shark’s teeth?
A. All sharks have very sharp and brutal teeth
B. A shark can have hundreds of teeth
C. A shark can have a six rows of teeth
D. Shark teeth have different number and type that can vary among the different species 
E. The predatory species of shark use teeth to rip their prey  separately 

45. “It is true that the fierce and predatory species …”
The opposite meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. mild
B. weak
C. light
D. tame
E. wild 

46. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph.
1. I ducked down, pushed between two men and ran for the river
2. The water was icy, but I stayed under until I thought my lungs would burst
3. There was shots as I ran
4. The minute I came up I took a breath and plunged down again
5. Staying submerged was only too easy with so much clothing and my heavily studded army boots

The correct order is ….
A. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 
B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 
C. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 
D. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 
E. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5  

47. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into the correct and meaningful procedure
1. Wait for 45 minutes, remove it from the freezer and stir it powerfully with a spatula or whisk.
2. Prepare your ice cream mixture, then chill it over an ice bath.
3. Continue to check the mixture every 30 minutes, stirring vigorously as it’s freezing.
4. Pour your custard mixture in a deep baking dish and put in the freezer.
5. Keep checking and stirring until the ice cream is frozen
6. Finally, transfer the ice cream to a covered storage container until ready to serve.
The correct order is ….
A. 2 – 4 – 1-  6 – 5 - 3
B. 2 – 4 - 1 – 3 – 5 - 6
C. 2 – 4 – 1 -5 – 3 – 6
D. 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6
E. 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 - 3

For question number 48 – 50, complete the following  text with appropriate words provided.

The two brothers and the white-bearded old man

Once upon a time there were two brothers. They decided to start travelling around the world to to search for happiness.  Along the way they met a/ an (48)  …  man with white beard. He stopped and asked the boys where they move towards.  He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a handful of golden coins. "I want to help you, which one of you want these?" he asked.
Immediately, The big brother replied that he wanted them all. Then The old man hand in his other pocket again and pulled out a precious stone, shining like the sun, and asked again, "Which one of you want to have the stone?”
"I want it." The big brother  answered (49) … . And finally the old man gave him the stone. 
After giving him the precious stone,  the old man put down the sack he was carrying on his back and said to the brothers, "Now who is going to help me bring this sack to the village?"
But the big brother said nothing. On the other hand the little brother pulled up his sleeves and bended down to help him. The old man smiled and said, "Take it with you, my boy, along with everything that is inside."
But the little brother refused and said, "No it's not mine." 
" Take it, take it." said the old man. "It's my gift (50) … you."
The little brother opened the sack. And what did his eyes see? The bag was filled with precious stones. He stood up to thank the old man, but he was nowhere to be found.

Adapted from :
A. Kind
B. Happy 
C. Old
D. Nice
E. Passionate

A. Repeatedly
B. Slowly
C. Quickly
D. Carefully 
E. Carelessly 

A. On
B. Of
C. In
D. To 
E. With 

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