Salah satu bagian dalam soal listening ujian nasional SMK adalah soal bertipe short conversations. Dalam soal ini anda akan mendengar beberapa percakapan pendek dan biasaya bisa diperdengarkan dua kali dalam soal Ujian Nasional moda UNBK. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan ini skill yang mesti dikuasai adalah entuk Question Words ( kata tanya) seperti What, Who, Whom, When, When, Where, Whose, Why, Which, How, How often, How long, How much, How many.
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengerjakan soal dengan tipe ini antara lain sebagai berikut:
- Dengarkan percakapan dan lihatlah pertanyaan sesuai dengan topik yang diperdengarkan
- Catat atau ingat beberapa poin penting dalam percakapan tersebut
- Pahamilah pilihan jawabannya
- Pastikan anda menjawab pertanyaan setelah mendengar jawabannya
- Lanjut lihat pada soal berikutnya setelah soal sebelumnya diperdengarkan
Berikut contoh soal Short Conversations dalam soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMK
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Sumber gambar: Soal UN SMK Tahun 2013/ 2014 |
Dalam menjawab soal listening tipe short conversations, teori saja tidaklah cukup. Maka perbanyaklah untuk latihan soal bertipe tersebut. Pada kesempatan ini, akan saya tambahkan latihan soal tentang materi short conversations ini. Seperti biasa, anda tinggal mendengarkan audio yang disediakan lalu memilih jawaban dengan menge-klik pilihan jawaban yang paling benar.
Listening script juga akan saya tambahkan pada bagian akhir latihan soal. Semoga bisa bermanfaat ya dan jangan lupa tambahkan kesan anda pada kolom komentar.
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Listening Script Latihan soal Short Conversations UN SMK
1.Man : Let's go together for dinner at six
Woman : I have a four thirty meeting. It may last a while
Man : Then we will meet at eight.
When will they have dinner?
A. at 4 :00
B. At : 30
C. At 6:00
D. at 8:00
2. Man : I'd like to cash a check.
Woman : May I see some identification?
Man : Yes, here are m driver's license and my account number.
What does the man want to do?
A. Buy a car
B. cash a check
C. Open an account
D. Introduce himself
3. Man : You can take the ten o'clock flight, which arrives at one.
Woman : Is that a lunch flight?
Man : No, but there is a lunch fflight leaving at twelve
What did the woman ask about?
A. Meal service
B. Launching times
C. arrival times
D. departure dates
4. Man : I'd like to order room service for room five-seven- four
Woman : Of course, sir. What would you like?
Man : The steak with mushrooms, please.
What does the man want?
A. Dinner
B. Maid service
C. A larger room
D. A movie
5. Man : our flight departs from gate 23.
Woman : Where is that?
Man : Turn left and follow the signs.
What does the woman want to know?
A. When her flight leaves
B. The signs of illness
C. how to get to the gate
D. Whether she is departing
6. Woman : It's look like we have a flat tire.
Man : Oh, no. We'll certainly be late now.
Woman : It's OK. It won't take long to fix
Why are they going be late?
A. They're tired
B. They have flat tire
C. They tried to fix it
D. They took too long to fix it
7. Man : What do you do?
Woman : I sell computer software. What about you?
Man : I'm a petrochemical engineer.
What are they discussing?
A. Their hobbies
B. Their computers
C. their colleagues
D. their jobs
8. Man : Shall we go in your car or in my car?
Woman : Actually, I'd prefer to take the subway.
Man : I think a car would be best.
What are the speakers discussing?
A. Transportation cost
B. Efficiency
C. Transportation preferences
D. Weather.
9. Man : I like your new office.
woman : Thank you. It has more than my old one.
Man : And It's across from the company health club.
What are the man and woman discussing?
A. The company
B. the health club
C. Her old office
D. Her new office
10. Man : I left m snglasses at home.
Woman : That's too bad. The sun is reall bright today.
Man : Maybe my hat will provide enough shade.
What did the man forget?
A. His hat
B. His son
C. His eyeglass
D. His sunglasses
11. Man : I need five gallons of gas please.
Woman : Certainly. Shall I check the oil, too?
Man : The oil is fine, but the windshield needs washing.
Who is the man talking to?
A. A kitchen repair person
B. A service station attendant
C. A parking lot attendant
D. A housekeeper
12. Woman : It's hot and stuffy in here.
Man : I'll open the window.
Woman : That will help some. But we need air-conditioning.
How does the woman suggest cooling the room?
A. Close the window
B. Pull the drapes
C. Turn on the heater
D. Get an air-conditioner
13. Man :This coffeepot is really dirty.
Woman : There's a small kitchen on the sixth floor
Man : Oh, good, I can wash it there.
What does the man want to do?
A. Clean the coffeepot
B. Change his shirt
C. Watch the kitchen
D. Sweep the floor
14. Man : It's a beautiful day. Let's have lunch at sidewalk cafe.
Woman : I brought a sandwich from home. I'm going to eat it in the park.
Man : I'll but a sandwich and meet you there.
Where are they going to eat lunch?
A. On the sidewalk
B. In the park
C. At a cafe
D. At home
15. Man : What do you do in your spare time?
Woman : I like to cook and play golf.
Man : I'm no good at golf, but I do like to eat!
What topic might the man and woman have in common?
A. food
B. Golf
C. Free time
D. Books
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