
Senin, 23 April 2018

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Program penerimaan mahasiswa baru Politeknik Negeri Semarang (POLINES) Diploma III Kelas Kerjasama PT. PLN (Persero) adalah program pendidikan DIII dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa lulusannya dapat langsung diangkat menjadi pegawai PT. PLN (Persero). Tentu saja program ini banyak menarik siswa siswi SMA atau SMK untuk meraih kesempatan itu.

Beberapa waktu lalu tepatnya tanggal 21 April 2018 sesuai jadwal yang ditetapkan, digelar ujian masuk Politeknik Negeri Semarang (POLINES) kerjasama dengan PT. PLN (Persero). Ujian berupa materi tertulis dengan 100 butir soal yang terdiri dari mapel Matematika, Fisika, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.

Pada tulisan ini akan saya bahas soal ujian yang diujikan khususnya pada mapel bahasa Inggris mengingat ada beberapa permintaan dari siswa yang mengikutinya. Soal ini bisa menjadi gambaran untuk materi tahun berikutnya. Sengaja saya tulis kembali soal dan jawabannya sesuai dengan penomoran pada soal. 

Nah, langsung saja berikut pembahasannya, 
Questions 76 to 78 refer to this message
An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a strange looking animal with its thick legs, hugh sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk. The trunk is  the elephant's peculiar feature, and it has  various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves  and puts them into its  mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly. The elephant is a very intelligence animal. Its intelligence combined  with its great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

76. The paragraph is mainly about the fact that ....
A. Elephants are strong
B. Elephants can lift logs
C. Elephants are servant
D. Elephants are useful
E. Elephants must be trained

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Paragraf diatas secara umum membahas tentang fakta bahwa gajah itu kuat (Elephants are strong). hal tersebut tersirat dari baris (1), bais ke (16), baris (18).

77. Which of the following is NOT  part of the elephant describe in tthe paragraph?
A. It has four legs
B. It is heavy
C. It is wild
D. It has trunk
E. It has small tail

Jawaban :  C
Pembahasan :
Dalam teks yang bukan bagian dari gajah adalah C (It is wild)
78. It is stated in the paragraph that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following, EXCEPT ....
A. to eat
B. to push
C. to drink
D. to carry things
E. to squirt water over the body

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Dinyatakan dalam paragraf bahwa gajah tidak menggunakan belalainya untuk makan (to push)
Shanti : The telegram is from my husband. He's out on duty. What do you recommend me to do?
Shinta : Why don't you ring him  and tell him that a telegram's arrived?

In the dialogue above, Shanti is asking for Shinta's ....
A. advice
B. curiosity
C. agreement
D. permission
E. information

Jawaban : A
Dalam dialog diatas, Shanti meminta saran dari Shinta tentang apa yang harus diperbuat.

80. Mrs. Hardiman : I heard that your son had won a scholarship to a state university.
Mrs. setiawan : Yes, that's right... He never ignores our advice and always studies hard.

A. He is a profile of succesful student
B. I prided myself on his success
C. his pride would not let him down
D. I'm too proud to have been successful
E. We are proud of him

Jawaban : E
Pembahasan :
Pernyataan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang percakapan diatas adalah We are proud of him ( Kita bangga padanya). Hal itu dikuatkan dengan pernyataan setelahnya yaitu "He never ignores our advice and always studies hard" yang artinya, Dia tidak pernah mengabaikan nasihat kami dan selalu belajar dengan keras.

Questions 81 to 82 refer to this message. 
I am going out to get some sugar in a supermarket. Would you like to turn the stove on when you are home? I have put some soup there. Just heat it for  about 5 minutes and then take it out from stove before you have dinner.

81. What is the message about?
A. Telling Tom to eat the soup
B. Asking Tom to buy some sugar
C. Asking Tom to go to supermarket
D. Telling Tom to heat the soup
E. Telling Tom to wait for about 5 minutes

Jawaban : D
Pesan diatas adalah tentang pesan kepada Tom untuk memanaskan sup.
82. I have put some soup there. The word there refers to ....
A. home
B. the stove
C. kitchen
D. the supermarket
E. home

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Kata "there" merujuk pada kata "stove"

83. Rudy has been studying English since he was ten.
This sentence means ....
A. Rudy never studies English
B. Rudy is still studying English
C. Rudy was still studying English
D. English is difficult for Rudy
E. Rudy likes studying English

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Dalam kalimat tersebut menggunakan bentuk Present Perfect Continuous Tense, yang menyatakan bahwa aktivitas yang dimulai dilakukan dimasa lampau dan masih saja berhubungan dengan masa sekarang atau bahkan masih juga dilakukan pada masa sekarang. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah saat ini Rudy masih belajar bahasa Inggris.

Fino : Sorry to bother you. Could you tell me the way to the post office?
Abas : Well, turn right at the corner. The post office is about 100 meters from here.
Fino : Thanks.

In the dialogue, Fino is ....
A. rejecting help
B. accepting an offer
C. asking for information
D. stating agreement
E. expressing hope

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Dalam dialog diatas, Fino menanyakan informasi kepada Abas tentang alamat kantor pos.

85. My father is 60 years old. He resigns from his job now. 
The word "resigns" means ....
A. surrenders
B. leaves
C. submits
D. departs
E. turns

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
kata resigns berarti bahwa mnegundurkan diri dari pekerjaan, maka kata yang tepat adalah "surrenders"

86. Segal usually sits next to Budi, but today he ... next to Dani.
A. sat
B. has sat
C. would sit
D. is sitting
E. was sitting

Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Kenyataan yang terlihat pada hari ini adalah Segal sedang duduk di dekatnya Dani meskipun biasanya dia duduk didekatnya Budi.
87. The text focuses on the information about ....
A. the successful mission of sending astronauts to the moon
B. the important dates of the launching of spacecraft
C. the success of the soviets' outer space project
D. the discovery of the four large outer planets
E. the observatio on certain planets

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Teks tersebut berisikan informasi tentang waktu- waktu penting dari peluncuran pesawat luar angkasa.

88. The first spaceship to orbit the planet Mars is ....
A. Mariner 9
B. Sputnik 1
C. Voyager 1
D. Voyager 2
E. Pioneer 10

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Pesawat pertama yang mengorbit Planet Mars adalah Mariner 9 tahun 1971.

89.  Which statement is not true according to the text?
A. NASA launched Voyager 1 in 1971
B. The first man in space was in 1961
C. The first satellite was sent bu Russsians
D. It was the American who launched Pioneer 10
E. The space shuttle Colombia can be used for more than once.

Jawaban : A.
Pembahasan : Pernyataan yang tidak benar berdasarkan teks adalah bahwa NASA meluncurkan Voyager 1 pada tahun 1971. Fakta dari data dalam teks bahwa Voyager 1 diluncurkan pada 1977.

90. I have an account at a bank. When I need some money for my school fee, I go to the bank and ... some.
A. save 
B. cash
C. deposit
D. borrow
E. Withdraw

Jawaban : E
Pembahasan :
Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang kalimat adalah withdraw yang artinya, menarik (uang)

91. Mother can't speak Spanish ....
A. and so can father
B. and neither can father
C. but father can't
D. father can either
E. and father can too.

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Materi either and neither. Either dan neither mengindikasikan bentuk "negative agreement".

Bentuk either : Negative statement + and [subject + negative auxiliary o be + either]

Bentuk neither : Negative statement + and [neither + positive auxiliary or be + subject]

92. By the time I arrive home, the door ... by my aunt.
A. will lock
B. will have lock
C. is locked
D. was locked
E. will have been locked

Jawaban : E
Pembahasan :
Dalam kalimat tersebut, time signal yang digunakan adalah by the time ...
Time signal tersebut mengindikasikan bentuk future perfect continuous tense, S + will + have + V-3
Konteks dalam kalimat tersebut adalah pasif dengan penanda kata "by", maka,
S + will + have + been + V-3

Questions 93 to 95 refer to the following reading passage.

In early societies money was unknown and man relied on a simple system of exchange. Perhaps a good hunter had more animal skins than he could use. is neighbor, a good fisherman might have too many fish, but needed furs to protect his children  from the cold. Both soon realized that to solve their problems they could exchange their surplus.
This methods of exchanging called barter. The word comes from the French barter.
Barter was important when the needs were mostly for clothing, food and shelter. But the system had its problem. For example, a weaver who wanted to change its cloth for a good catch of fish might not able  to find a fisherman who needed cloth. And a farmer with too much corn might not be able to find a hunter with too many deer. When labor and services became more specialized, barter could no longer function of 'payment'. A new system had to be found.

93. People bartered because ....
A. they like a simple system
B. the realized their problems
C. they had surplus and they needed something
D. they had money to fulfill their needs
E. they did not want to pay cash

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Barter terjadi karena mereka memiliki barang yang lebih tetapi membutuhkan barang lainnnya.
94. "Both soon realized that to solve their problems they could exchange their surplus."
Both refers to ....
A. the hunter and the fisherman
B. the hunter and his fish
C. the neighbor and the animal skin
D. the fish and the fur
E. the neighbor and the hunter

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Kata "Both" merujuk pada the hunter and the fisherman
95. Barter was important until ....
A. the fisherman had enough cloth
B. the hunter had enough fish
C. the society become more specialized
D. the farmerr had not enough corn
E. the weaver started to grow corn himself.

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan : 
Barter itu penting sampai masayarakat sudah meulai kompleks
96. "..." Neither does Ani.
A. Tati didn't do the exercises
B. Tati never does the exercises
C. Tati does the exercises
D. Tati and Ani do the exercises
E. Tati can't do the exercises

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Materi either and neither. Either dan neither mengindikasikan bentuk "negative agreement".

Bentuk either : Negative statement + and [subject + negative auxiliary o be + either]

Bentuk neither : Negative statement + and [neither + positive auxiliary or be + subject] 
97. Barter was a means of exchange when the primary needs of man were clothing food and shelter only. But the system had many ....
A. gaps
B. numbers
C. problems
D. advantages
E. satisfactions

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Barter berarti pertukaran ketika kebutuhan primer seperti pakaian, makanan dan tempat . Tetapi sistem memiliki banyak masalah (problem).
98. Both the Soviets and the Americans plan to build huge space statons which will orbit the earth.
The word "huge" means very ....
A. large
B. broad
C. bulky
D. heavy
E. wide

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Kata "huge" berarti sangat besar (very large)
99. A close cooperation among the member of ASEAN countries would bring mutual benefits, which will promote ....
A. efficiency
B. effectivity
C. responsibility
D. prosperity
E. activity

Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
100. Father always ... the newspaper every morning.
A. read
B. reads
C. reading
D. is reading
E. will read

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Simple Present Tense [Subject + V-1), Penggunaan subject He, She, It maka kata kerja nya harus ditambah dengan s/ es. Maka pilihan yang tepat adalah pada jawaban B.

Demikian Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Ujian Masuk POLINES Kerjasama PT. PLN (Persero) Tahun 2018, semoga bisa memberikan manfaat bagi anda semua. Jangan lupa share bila berguna dan tuliskan komentar pada kolom yang tersedia di bawah.

Terima kasih.

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