Selamat datang kembali di Blog Media belajar, Ahzaa Media. Pada Smart English kali ini kami ingin membahas mengenai penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam Future-Time Clauses. Penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam Future-Time Clauses biasanya digunakan dalam soal- soal TOEFL atau soal- soal masuk PTN dalam bentuk soal structure maupun bentuk soal error identification.
Berikut beberapa contoh error examples dalam kalimat
Wrong : Whenever you will be in town, call me.
Right : Whenever you are in town, call me.
Wrong : As soon as I will get the Visa, I will be leaving for Jakarta.
Right : As soon as I get the Visa, I will be leaving for Jakarta.
Wrong : After John is going to finish a new project, The universities will offer him scholarships.
Right : After John finishes a new project, The universities will offer him scholarships.
Contoh lain:
Demikian pembahasan Smart English kali ini tentang penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam Future-Time Clauses. Semoga bisa membantu anda dalam memperdalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris anda. Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.
Pada Future-Time Clauses tidak pernah menggunakan bentuk will atau going to, tetapi harus menggunakan bentuk Simple Present. Time clauses biasanya dinyatakan dengan kata- kata berikut while, when, after, before, as soon as, etc. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut ini adalah penjelasan berdasarkan contoh kalimat dan keterangannya.
Berikut beberapa contoh error examples dalam kalimat
Wrong : Whenever you will be in town, call me.
Right : Whenever you are in town, call me.
Wrong : As soon as I will get the Visa, I will be leaving for Jakarta.
Right : As soon as I get the Visa, I will be leaving for Jakarta.
Wrong : After John is going to finish a new project, The universities will offer him scholarships.
Right : After John finishes a new project, The universities will offer him scholarships.
Contoh lain:
- You should visit that part of the country when it is spring
- It will get cold in the desert when the winter comes
- As soon as you learn to swim, I will take you to our cabin at the lake
- When the children visit their grandmother, My wife and I will be going to Jakarta.
- The actress receives an award when the critics will see her performance.
Demikian pembahasan Smart English kali ini tentang penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam Future-Time Clauses. Semoga bisa membantu anda dalam memperdalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris anda. Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.
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