
Senin, 07 September 2020

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Can dan could merupakan bagian dari modal verb. Can dan could dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan kebisaan, kesanggupan, ijin, kemungkinan, dan sebagainya. Dalam konteks percakapan (lisan), tidak ada aturan baku yang mutlak tentang penggunaan bentuk can dan could ini. Namun dalam bahasatulis, ada beberapa hal yang bisa mendasari perbedaan penggunaan bentuk can dan could.

Sebelum masuk kedalam latihan soal, akan kita review terlebih dahulu bentuk modal verb can dan could dalam bahasa Inggris baik dalam penggunaan maupun contoh konteks kalimatnya.

Bentuk modal can dipakai untuk menyatakan
1. Kesanggupan atau kemahiran seseorang
Contoh :
  • I can play the guitar and my brother can play it, too.
  • Bella can speak English but she cannot speak Japanese.
  • I am not a good swimmer but I can swim.
  • I will hold a party next Saturday but Lala can't come.
2. Minta ijin
Contoh :
  • My printer is broken. Can I use yours?
  • Can I borrow your car to take my grandmother to the hospital?
3. Menyatakan kemungkinan
Contoh :
  • She can be at home at night.
  • He works very hard. He can be the best worker this year.
Bentuk "Can" dalam kalimat diikuti oleh bentuk kata kerja dasar. Untuk kalimat negatif bisa ditambahkan bentuk not setelah can (cannot), atau kontraksi dari bentuk tersebut (can't). Pada kalimat tanya, can diletakkan sebelum subbyek kalimat.

Bentuk could
Bentuk could merupakan bentuk lampau dari can. Akan tetapi penerapan bentuk could dalam kalimat tidak selalu menyatakan bentuk lampau dari can, bentuk could bisa menyatakan permintaan dengan sopan. Bentuk could juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan. Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa dilihat contoh berikut ini,
Contoh :
  • I could run very fast when she was child. (Saya bisa berlari dengan sangat cepat saat saya masih kecil)
  • I felt so tired last night but I couldn't sleep. ( Saya merasa lelah tadi mala tetapi saya tidak bisa tidur)
Could untuk menyatakan permintaan tolong bisa dilihat pada contoh berikut ini, 
  • Could you help me to install the application? (Bisakah kamu memasang aplikasi?)
  • Could you take the book for me? (Bisakah kamu mengambilkan buku itu untukku?)
  • She could be very busy at that time. ( Dia mungkin sangat sibuk)
  • Could I speak to Mr. Dito? (Bisakah saya berbicara dengan Mr. Dito?)
Baik, untuk lebih mendalami tentang materi can dan could diatas, berikut latihan bentuk can dan could untuk bisa dikerjakan. 

1. I like this hotel room. I ... the beautiful view of Mount Ungaran from the window.
can see
could see

2. I feel sleepy now. I ... last night.
cannot sleep
couldn't sleep

3. Dinda got the scholarship because she .... five languages.
can speak
could speak

4. When I was young, I ... very fast.
can run
could run

5. I am sorry that I ... to your birthday party next Saturday.
couldn't come
cannot come

6. The teacher are speaking very quietely. I ... hear what she says.
cannot hear
couldn't hear

7. I looked for the book everywhere but I ... it.
cannot find
couldn't find

8. He ... very well because he had hurt his leg.
cannot walk
couldn't walk

9. We tried hard but we ... them to wear the mask when they go out.
could persuade
couldn't persuade

10. We ... burning when we went into the house.
can smell
could smell

11. Taufik Hidayat was an excellent badminton player. He ... anybody.
can beat
could beat

12. Nina ... to the camp last week. She was ill.
cannot go
couldn't go

13. Which one is correct?
I can't do the exercise. It is too difficult
I couldn't do the exercise. It is too difficult

14. Dini doesn't know what to do. She ...
can decide
cannot decide

15. I ... what she was saying although she spoke in a low voice.
can understand
could understand

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