
Rabu, 16 September 2020

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Dalam ungkapan sehari- hari, kadang -kadang kita menyatakan keberadaan dari sesuatu apakah orang atau benda. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu keberadaan sesuatu (ada dan tidak ada) dalam bahasa Inggris adalah dengan menggunakan expletive there. There diikuti oleh bentuk be (is/ are, was, were) plus kata benda yang mewakili an indefinite person ( orang yang tidak tentu) atau sesuatu (things). There biasanya diletakkan sebelum verb be dan kata bendanya diletakkan setelah be

** Bentuk be tergantung pada benda yang mengikutinya apakah singular atau plural.

Contoh :

  • There is someone in front of the door. (Ada orang di depan pintu) --- bentuk singular
  • There is a teacher in the class. ( Ada seorang guru di dalam kelas) --- bentuk singular
  • There are students in the class. ( Ada siswa- siswa di dalam kelas) --- bentuk plural
  • There is something wrong. ( Ada sesuatu yang tidak beres) --- bentuk singular

Untuk kalimat negatf, tambahkan not setelah bentuk "be" nya, sedangkan untuk kalimat tanya, Be diletakkan pada awal kalimat.



There is  ... (There's)
There  is not ...  (There isn't)
Is there ...?



There are ... 
There are not ... (There aren't ...)
Are there ...?


Contoh :

  • The class is very quiet. There are not many students there.
  • There is not a super mall in this city.
  • Is there a bank near here?
Tips : Perhatikan bentuk "be" yang digunakan pada benda yang bersifat uncountable (tidak dapat dihitung) seperti sand, oil, sugar, salt, dll. Pada benda- benda tersebut, bentuk be nya adalah selalu singular.
Baik, kita berlanjut ke latihan soal yaa.. Jangan lupa tuliskan skor pencapaian pada kolom komentar dan bagikan bila bermanfaat..  

Latihan soal Expletive There Is dan Are

1. How many players ... in a football team?
there are
are there

2. Semarang is an old town. ... many old buildings.
There is
There are

3. How many students ... in the class?
'twenty six'
there are
are there

4. 'What's wrong?'
'... something in your eyes'
There are
There is

5. Look! ... your short story published in this newspaper.
There is
There are

6. ... six of people in my family.
There is
There are

7. I don't like this coffee. It is too sweet. ... a lot of sugar in it.
There is
There are

8. 'Is it anything on television tonight?'
'Yes, ... a Dangdut show at 8.00'
There is
There are

9. I am hungry but ... anything to eat.
there aren't
there isn't

10. The wallet is empty. ... any money in it.
There is
There isn't

11. ... some wild animals in the zoo.
There is
There are

12. 'Have you got any money?'
'Yes, ... some in my wallet.'
There is
There are

13. 'The road is very dangerous. ... a lot of accidents on it.
There is
There are

14. '... any e-mails for me today?'
'Yes, ...'
Is there - there is
are there - there are

15. ... nowhere to sit down. There is not any chairs.
There is
There is not
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