Dalam bahasa Inggris kita mengenal notice sebagai sebuah teks yang bertujuan untuk memberikan suatu informasi atau suatu perintah. Biasanya notice ini ditempelkan di tempat- tempat umum untuk memberikan himbauan, peringatan bahkan larangan.
Notice biasanya disejajarkan dengan caution atau warning karena memang ketiganya memiliki tujuan yang sama yaitu memberikan suatu pengingat kepada masyarakat yang berada di suatu tempat tertentu akan kebijakan yang diterapkan. Secara struktur, teks notice menggunakan bahasa tulisan singkat dan mudah dipahami dengan kelengkapan berupa gambar pendukung agar para pembaca lebih memahami pesan yang disampaikan. Selain itu, bentuk tulisan juga dibuat dengan lebih besar dan warna yang mencolok sehingga bisa dilihat dan diperhatikan oleh orang dalam jarak yang jauh.
Soal- soal teks notice berkisar pada masalah tujuan, isi notice, dan informasi detail tentang notice tersebut.
Nah, pada post kali ini akan saya bagikan latihan soal Notice bahasa Inggris khususnya kelas 8 SMP. Jumlah soal sebayak 20 butir soal dengan jawaban yang sudah tersedia di bawahnya. Pada soal berikut terdapat 12 macam teks notice yang bisa dipelajari. Semoga soal- soal tersebut bisa dijadikan bahan latihan dan referensi untuk belajar.
Latihan Soal Notice kelas 8 SMP
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source : amazon.ca |
1. The notice can be found at ....
A. a school
B. a library
C. a park
D. a bank
2. Which is NOT TRUE about the notice?
A. Students throw rubbish in its proper place
B. Students are permitted to play truant
C. Students do their home works well
D. Students come punctually
Text 2
3. The notice remind us about ...
A. being sure about books
B. how to return library books
C. time to return all library books
D. place to return the books
Text 3
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source : abc.net.au |
4. Where do you usually find this notice?
A. In a laboratory
B. In a swimming pool
C. In a beach
D. In a park
5. It can be concluded from the text that ….
A. People must not swim in this area.
B. People are permitted to pick the algae.
C. Humans protect harmful algae from animals.
D. Humans cause harmful algae in danger
Text 4
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source : safetysignsand notices.com |
6. What is the notice about ….
A. People must be careful about their own valuables
B. People must leave their valuables without any safety tools
C. People are sure to leave their vehicles without locking them
D. People have no doubt to remove their valuables and unlock their vehicles
7. "Be sure to remove all valuables and lock your vehicle ..." The underlined word means ....
A. precious items
B. money
C. collection
D. debts
Text 5
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source : propertysigns.com.au |
A. we need to buy eye-protection equipment.
B. it is very easy to find eye-protection equipment.
C. some students are using eye-protection equipment.
D. it is very important to wear eye protection equipment.
Text 6
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source : amazon.com |
9. The notice means ....
A. We must buy a mask before entering the building
B. We should wear a mask to service the customer
C. We must wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart in the area
D. You should wear a mask if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19
10. Where do we possibly find the notice?
A. in a mall
B. at beach
C. in a park
D. in a restaurant
Text 7
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source : commons.wikimedia.org |
11. The text implies that …
A. the road is for the patients of the Battle Hospital only
B. anyone can pass through the road without permission
C. no one can access to the Battle Hospital through this road
D. patients, visitors, and guests of the Trust can access this road
12. The notice can be found at ...
A. a park
B. a hospital
C. a school
D. a residence
Text 8
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source : safetysign.com |
13. The notice above means ….
A. you may keep the flammable materials in this area
B. you have to keep the flammable materials in this area
C. you are forbidden to put the flammable materials in this area
D. you are supposed to take the flammable materials in this area
14. The word "flammable" in the text means ...
A. It will fly easily.
B. It can burn easily.
C. It has fire inside.
D. It is burnt outside
Text 9
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source : compliancesigns.com |
15. What does the text mean?
A. It’s no use washing our hands.
B. Our hands should be washed by soap before we leave the room.
C. Washing hands by soap should be done before entering the room.
D. After leaving the room we should wash our hands by soap.
16. Where might we specifically find the notice above?
A. In the supermarket
B. At the book store
C. In the hospital
D. At the park
Text 10
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pngkey.com |
17. The notice means that ....
A. we must operate the cell phone when we work
B. we must not operate the cell phone when we work
C. we must work work by using cell phone
D. we may use cell phone or not using it while working
18. We can find the sign at ...
A. an office
B. a dangerous working area
C. a laboratory
D. a park
Text 11
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source : sgworld.com |
19. The text is aimed ....
A. to remind people that you have a 1 person at a time policy in lifts
B. to remind people that you have more than 4 person at a time policy in lifts
C. to remind people to stick to social distancing rules in public areas
D. to remind people to apply social distancing rules by having a 4 person at a time in lifts
Text 12
20. What does the text tell mean?
A. the area is protected by automatic alarm system
B. the automatic alarm system is active now
C. people should be worried about the automatic alarm system
D. people should protect their building by automatic alarm system
Semoga Bermanfaat.
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