
Senin, 31 Agustus 2020

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Melengkapi post lalu yaitu tentang penggunaan bentuk modal "Can", pada post ini akan kita bahas mengenai penggunaan bentuk modal "Will". Post memang saya buat terpisah agar lebih mudah untuk memahami penerapan keduanya baik bentuk modal Will maupun modal Can.

Baca Juga : 
Latihan Soal Penggunaan Modal Can Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP

Bentuk modal "will" menunjukkan bentuk aktifitas di masa akan datang (future activity) . Menyatakan bentuk aktifitas di masa akan datang, maka kita harus memahami bentuk ekspresi yang digunakan yaitu bentuk 'will' dan bentuk 'be going to'.

Berikut sedikit penjelasan mengenai perbedaan kedua bentuk tersebut sebelum berranjak ke dalam latihan soal tentang "future activity".

#1. Keduanya baik "will" maupun "be going to" menyatakan aktifitas yang akan datang.

will : digunakan ketika kita ingin melakukan sesuatu tanpa suatu perencanaan sebelumnya. Biasanya bersifat spontanitas.
Contoh :

Helen : My laptop has broken. It seems too many programs I've installed. Can you repair it to me?
Father : Okay, but I can't do it now. I'll repair it tomorrow.

Be going to : digunakan ketika kita sudah siap  memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu .
Contoh : 

Dinda : Can you repair Helen's laptop? It has got a computer virus.
Bams : Yes, I know. She told me. I'm going to repair it tomorrow.

*** Bams sudah merencanakan untuk memperbaiki laptopnya Helen sebelumnya.

#2. Prediksi kejadian di masa akan datang
Keduanya mengatakan apa yang akan terjadi (prediksi tentang apa yang terjadi di masa akan datang)
Contoh : 
  • Do you think Tom will get  the first rank?
  • Oh dear, It's already 4 o'clock. We're going to be late.

Going to : Menyatakan situasi dimana sesuatu memang nyata akan terjadi.
Contoh :
  • Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain ( awan yang dilihat menunjukkan akan terjadinya hujan)
  • I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. (saya merasa tidak enak badan sekarang)
NB :
Kita juga biasanya menggunakan bentuk present continuous untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah disusun atau direncanakan sebelumnya.
Contoh :
  • What time are you meeting Ann? (atau Are you going to meet?)
  • I'm traveling to Scotland on Monday (atau I'm going to travel)
Dalam soal incomplete dialog, soal yang menunjukkan bentuk future activity biasanya dilihat berdasarkan kata kunci (keyword) penggunaan kata atau phrase "will" dan "be going to" pada konteks percakapan yang terjadi. 
Oke, langsung saja berikut latihan soalnya.
Dialogue no. 1
Jenita : Nay, what are you going to do after graduating?
Nayla : ____
Jenita : What will you take?
Nayla : I'm thinking majoring in Mathematics

I'll try to find a job
I'm working as a photographer
I plan to go to a college
I'll go around the world

Dialogue no. 2
Tiara : When will the meeting be held?
Mira : ____

The meeting is cancelled because of some problems
The meeting is going to start tomorrow
The meeting is going to be held soon
The minister is going to attend the meeting

Dialogue no. 3
Ann : Hi Intan! ____ this weekend?
Intan : Nothing special as far as you know.
Ann : How about visiting Lawang Sewu? You can ask your sisters to join, too.

How are you going
What are you doing
When are you free
How are you doing

Dialogue no. 4
Juna : I think I'm full. I don't want this steak. How about you?
Ali : Well, I'm hungry. ____ it.

I will eat
I will treat
I would got
I would eat

Dialogue no. 5
Indra : ___ for your holiday next month?
Chika : I'm not sure yet. I might go to Yogyakarta.

How are you doing
When are you going
Where are you going
How long are you going

Dialogue no. 6
Koko : Look, the sky is getting darker. Let's hurry up ____ .
Lukman : Yes, let's go. But wait, I'll get my bike first.

It's going to rain
We're going to rain
It's going to go home
We're going to go home

Dialogue no. 7
Rini : When do we have to finish the report?
Alexa : This afternoon. The manager ____ before we send it to the main office tomorrow.

is out of town today
is going to check it
was reported about it
has been informed about it

Dialogue no. 8
Dinda : How can I be admitted to Badminton Club?
Eva : After completing the registration form, ____ .
Dinda : Do you know how much?

You'll be asked to quit other membership
You'll be allowed to borrow books and records
You may be asked to pay membership fee
You'll be asked to read a lot of English novel

Dialogue no. 9
Liza : ...
Heny : Of course. I'm free tomorrow.

I need to buy a Math book in the bookstore tomorrow
Will you go with me?
Will you accompany me to go to the bookstore tomorrow?
I have to buy a Math book

Dialogue no. 10
Dian : Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time. What ____ these days?
Vania : Oh, I'm practicing for the debate competition.

are you doing
will you do
did you do
am I doing

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Semoga Bermanfaat..

Source Material :
Murphy, Raymond.1987.English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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