
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020

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Expession of agreement. Ungkapan kesetujuan biasanya juga dibarengi dengan ungkapan ketidaksetujuan (agreeing and disagreeing). Dalam sebuah percakapan, ungkapan tersebut biasanya didahului dengan ekspresi pembuka dengan menyatakan opini seperti

  • In my opinion...; 
  • According to ...; 
  • As far as I'm concerned...; 
  • If you ask me... 

atau dengan menanyakan pendapat misalnya,

  • What's your idea?; 
  • What are your thoughts on all of this? ; 
  • How do you feel about that? ;  
  • Do you have anything to say about this? ; 
  • What do you think? ; 
  • Do you agree?

Kemudian dari ungkapan diatas, akan dijawab dengan ungkapan atau ekspresi tentang penilaian akan pendapat kita, setujukah kita atau tidak setujukah kita tentang apa yang ditanyakan atau dinyatakan melalui ungkapan tersebut.

Beberapa ekspresi yang seringkali digunakan untuk menyatakan agreement adalah sebagai berikut ini;

Expressing agreement
  • I agree with you 100 percent.
  • That's so true.
  • That's for sure.
  • You're absolutely right.
  • Absolutely.
  • That's exactly how I feel.
  • Exactly.
  • I'm afraid I agree with Dinda.
  • I have to side with you on this one.
  • No doubt about it.
  • I was just going to say that.
sedangkan untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan, berikut ungkapan yang digunakan,
Expressing disagreement
  • I don't think so.
  • No way.
  • I'm afraid I disagree.
  • I totally disagree.
  • I beg to differ.
  • I'd say the exact opposite.
  • Not necessarily.
  • That's not always true.
  • No, I'm not so sure about that.
Soal bahasa Inggris topik ini biasnaya berbentuk percakapan. Dalam soal, kita akan melihat ekspresi tersebut dikembangkan sesuai dengan konteks percakapannya. 

Baik, langsung saja berikut latihan soalnya.
Latihan Expressions of Agreement and Disagreement Bahasa Inggris SMP 

Dialogue no. 1
Maria : I think I'll take the blue one.
Nayla : ____ it looks nice on you.

I guess not
I agree with you
I couldn't agree more
I don't think so

Dialogue no. 2
Tiara : The government plans that distance learning will be applied permanently. What's your opinion?
Mira : ____ it is not good solution for us. It is not effective learning especially for students in remote area.

I don't agree
I agree
I'm on the opinion
I don't have any plan

Dialogue no. 3
Ann : The government will give students free internet data for distance learning next month.
Gerry : Oh, that sounds good. ____ as it will lighten the burden of parents in buying internet data for their children's learning.

I absolutely disagree
I strongly agree
It's hard to do
Let's wait and see

Dialogue no. 4
Student 1 : Teachers should give many tasks to students in learning from home program.
Student 2 : ____ because it will fulfill our time by doing many tasks than wasting time to play game.

I don't have any idea
It's up to the teachers
I am on your side
I don't agree at all

Dialogue no. 5
Jaka : Government should legalize for entrepreneur to explore the natural sources.
Bima : ____ the natural sources will be of in next few years.

That's a good idea
I disagree
I am in absentia
I agree

Dialogue no. 6
Bagus : I think we should charter the buses for the trip this week.
Jimmy : ____ it will be more expensive because many school will charter the buses for their students during school holidays.

I think that's a good idea
I am on your side
You are right
I don't think so

Dialogue no. 7
Rini : Do you think Japanese is easier than English?
Alexa : No, ____ it's as difficult as English. Really.

I don't know
I don't think so
It's very different
I agree

Dialogue no. 8
Teacher : The regulation will ask student who breaks the law to leave out of school. What do you think?
Student : Sorry, sir. ____ It doesn't give good solution for students' future.
Teacher : Good! Any other idea?

I strongly agree
I think it's a good idea
I don't agree
We support the regulation

Dialogue no. 9
Una : Tere Liye's books are masterpieces.
Ita : ____ he must have gotten many awards for what he has written.

I have no idea
That must be true
I'm doubtfully about that
I am not sure

Dialogue no. 10
Chandra : The government plans to raise BPJS bill next month.
Shinta : ____ unless they improve the service better.

I don't quite agree
I am not agreeing
I don't disagree
I agree

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