
Sabtu, 28 November 2015

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Kalimat Conditional Sentence disebut juga kalimat pengandaian. Ada tiga jenis Conditional Sentences yaitu type I, Type II, dan type III. Berikut ini kami akan membahas pengertian, bentuk, dan contoh conditional sentence.
Type I. (probable or real condition)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan mungkin terjadi di masa mendatang bila syaratnya terpenuhi. Ada tiga pola yang bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan bentuk pertama (type I) conditional sentence ini. yaitu:

1. Menyatakan Future Time
Contoh :
  1. If I have money I will buy a new dress.
  2. If he studies hard, he will get scholarships.
  3. If she leave early, she will catch the bus.
  4. She will help you if you ask her.
  5. If the weather is nice, we will go camping.

2. Menyatakan kebiasaan.

Contoh :
  1. If I don't have breakfast, I always get hungry.
  2. Water freezes if the temperature goes below 32 F.
  3. If it rains,  we get wet soon.
  4. If he has no enough money, he usually goes to school on foot.

3. Menyatakan perintah

  1. If you go to the post office, please mail the letter.
  2. Please call me if you have the news.
  3. Come indoors at once if it rains.
  4. Don't tell anyone if I come here.

Type II ( Improbable or unreal condition)
Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu hal yang kemungkinannya sangat kecil sekali. berikut bentuk form dari Conditional type II.

Contoh :
  1. Indra would have to repeat his exam if he didn't pass it. (fact : Indra passes the exam)
  2. I could meet my sister if I went to Semarang. (fact : I don't go to Semarang)
  3. If I taught his class, I wouldn't give tests. ( fact : I don't teach his class)
  4. If I were you, I would accept his proposal. (fact : You don't accept the proposal)
  5. If I had time, I would go to the beach this weekend. (Fact : I don't have time)
Catatan :
Dalam bentuk Conditional type II, semua subjek , menggunakan were.
Fakta dalam bentuk type II adalah menggunakan bentuk Present Tense.
Type III (Improbable or unreal Condition)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena waktunya sudah terlewati sehingga hanya mengandaikan saja suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa yang lampau.

Contoh :
  1. If you had told about the problem, I would have helped you. (fact : you didn't tell about the problem, so I  didn't help you)
  2. If they have studied, They would have passes the exam. (fact : they didn't study, so they didn't pass the exam)
  3. If I hadn't slipped on the ice, I wouldn't have broken my leg.  ( fact : I slipped on ice, so I broke my leg)
  4. If they hadn't lost their way, they would have arrived sooner. ( fact : they lost their way, so they didn't arrive sooner)
Demikian pembahasan kami tentang pengertian, bentuk dan contoh conditional sentence dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.

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