
Sabtu, 19 September 2020

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Halo sahabat Ahzaa, pada post kali ini saya akan membagikan soal latihan PTS bahasa Inggris semester satu kelas 2 (dua) SD/ MI. Materi pada soal latihan mencakup ucapan salam (greeting), pengenalan diri (introduction), dan benda- benda di sekitar lingkungan sekolah. 

Dengan soal latihan ini diharapkan agar peserta didik mampu menyatakan ungkapan salam (greeting) dan perpisahan (leave taking), mengenalkan diri (introducing self) dan pengenalan pada benda- benda yang ada di sekitar mereka.

Nah, langsung saja, berikut latihan soal- soalnya,

Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester Satu Kelas 2 (Dua) SD/ MI

1. Lina : Hello Dayu
Dayu : Hello Lina, How are you?
Lina     : ..., thanks. And you?
Dayu : I am fine, too.
a. thank you
b. goodbye
c. I am fine

2. Lisa meets Edo at school in the morning. She says ....
a. good night
b. good afternoon
c. good morning

3. Siti : How do you do?
Udin : ...
a. good morning
b. I am fine
c. how do you do?

4. Lina : I want to go to school, mom. goodbye.
Mother : be careful honey, ....
a. good morning
b. good bye
c. good afternoon

5. Mother : ..., Beni. Have a nice dream
Beni : good night mom.
a. good morning
b. good afternoon
c. good night

6. Endah : hello, I am Endah.
Siti : hello, I am Siti
Endah : ...
Siti : pleased to meet you, too
a. good morning
b. pleased to meet you
c. I live in Semarang

7. Dayu : where do you live?
Lani : ....
a. I live in Semarang
b. my hobby is reading
c. my name is Lani

8. Dayu : where are you from?
Lani : ....
a. I live in Jalan Mangga
b. I am from Semarang
c. my hobby is swimming

9. Siti : what is your hobby, Dayu?
Lani : ....
a. my hobby is playing doll
b. my name is Lani
c. I am from Jakarta

10. Evan and his friends play ball in the ....
a. field
b. swimming pool
c. classroom

11. When we want to leave someone we say ....
a. have a nice dream
b. good bye
c. how are you?

12. Before sleeping, Lina says ... to her mother.
a. good morning
b. good night
c. good afternoon

13. Dayu : What is ... for?
Lina : It is for sharpen the pencils.
a. eraser
b. pencil case
c. sharpener

14. Look at the picture!

That is a .... . 
a. ruler
b. pencil
c. duster

15. Siti : What is that for?
Dayu : It is used to ... on the book.

a. erase
b. write
c. clean

16. The students keep their pencils in the ....

a. whiteboard
b. pencil case
c. table

17. We need .... to sit in the class.

a. chair
b. table
c. whiteboard

18. We need ... to make a line.
a. pencil
b. rubber
c. ruler

19. Arrange the words into good sentence.
a - this- pencil - is
a. this is a pencil
b. is this pencil a
c. pencil is a this

20. Arrange the words into  good sentence
class - big - class- my - is
a. big is my class
b. my class is big
c. my class big is

Demikian Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester Satu Kelas 2 (Dua) SD/ MI, oya bagi teman- teman yang ingin mengunduh latihan soal diatas, bisa menge-klik tautan link yang ada di bawah ini,
Semoga Bermanffaat

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